Book Signing for Cupcake and Vampire (click here)

Are you: 
→ Frustrated by having an idea for a book and not being able to get started or bring it to completion?
→ Perplexed by how to get your book into print?
→ Seeking patient support for the organization of your manuscript including smoothing out passages and making transitions?

Your writing -- transformed!

Your writing -- transformed!

I can handle your writing like a jazz composer—able to riff off your basic ideas so the final result is smooth like a classical piece of music—harmonious and with correct pacing. Yet dealing with me is like listening to folk music—folksy and down-to-earth.

Free initial consultation on your needs and how we can best work together. My fees are so reasonable that my latest clients (unasked for) doubled my consultant’s fee because they knew how much time and attention I devoted to their project. Now I am ready to walk with you through your book ideas, development, and marketing. 

Please go to the contact page, and provide details about your project. We will get back to you so that we can begin the next stage of your publication needs.

I also can help you with the following:
→ Course development
→ Development of marketing materials, including website content
→ Proposal writing
→ Press release writing